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Monday, May 19, 2008

Miley Cyrus Smoking Picture

This is the only picture of Miley Cyrus smoking that I can find online. There are rumors floating around that the 15 year old actress was seen smoking outside of a concert. Now the picture below of Miley Cyrus smoking is most likely a fake. Notice the absence of smoke, and why is she posing with a cigarette?


Anonymous said...

yeah i hate her, but even i have to admit this looks completely photoshopped

Anonymous said...

Dedom!!! You're so hot! I want to have sex with you at your wildwood house! With Eric too!

Anonymous said...

is Miley still a virgin?

Anonymous said...

Is Miley still a virgin? Bet not.

Anonymous said...

come on i mean im not mileys biggest fan but i remember seeing this photo shoot in a magazine!!!idk theres another picture of her smoking here

Anonymous said...

i bought a magazine with this photo in it, and lot's more like it. she was doing an interview with the magazine on this page. but in the photos in my mag, they were WITHOUT the cigaret! ppl!!!!

Anonymous said...


Arturo said...

Obvious Fake!!

Anonymous said...

so fake, how can ppl actually believe this b.s.?!

tigger said...

that is totally photoshopped!! how stupid do these ppl think we are!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this is fake! i know this because i just searched "mile cyrus smoking" on google and looked at the pics. the EXACT pic is on there...only...whats this?? NO CIGERETTE! explain that

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